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Make Your Veneers Last Longer with These 5 Tips

August 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — aveni @ 8:43 pm
Woman in white tank top smiling with perfect teeth

Did you know that veneers are one of the longest-lasting cosmetic dental treatments? In many cases, they last for 15 – 20 years or longer! Of course, they can only do that if they receive proper care. What can you do to make your veneers last as long as possible? Here are five practical tips:

Stick to a Thorough Oral Hygiene Routine

Even though veneers cannot get cavities, the teeth that support them remain vulnerable to decay. To keep them in good shape, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day (use non-abrasive toothpaste) and floss once a day. It may also be beneficial to regularly rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash.

Make Wise Food Choices

Veneers are very durable, so you do not need to adhere to an overly restrictive diet to protect them. However, some foods are better for them than others. It would be wise to center your eating habits on nutrient-rich foods that support oral and overall health.

You should also limit your intake of alcohol, sticky foods, and hard foods that might break your veneers. Additionally, keep in mind that if you drink highly pigmented beverages, you should consume them through a straw so they have minimal contact with your teeth.

Minimize the Risk of Breakage

Certain habits and activities could cause your veneers to break. To protect them from damage, you should not bite your fingernails, chew on ice, or use your teeth as tools to open packages. You should also wear a mouthguard whenever you are playing sports.

Do Not Neglect Routine Dental Visits

It is best to visit your dentist every six months for a cleaning and exam. During these routine appointments, your dental team can check your veneers to find out if any of them need to be replaced or repaired. They can also give you personalized tips to protect both your smile and your veneers from harm.

Do Not Smoke

Tobacco smoke could quickly discolor the adhesive agent that is keeping your veneers on your teeth. It also greatly increases your risk of various oral health conditions, including dry mouth, gum disease, and other infections. If your oral health takes a turn for the worse, your dentist might have to remove your veneers before they can provide necessary treatment.

Taking good care of veneers is easy! Use the tips in this blog post to keep your smile shining for as long as possible.

Meet the Practice

The skilled team at Aveni Dental Professionals is proud to offer top-quality veneers, preventive dentistry, and many other valuable services. If you are interested in enhancing your smile or maintaining its current beauty, we would be pleased to assist you. To learn more about us, contact our Plymouth office at 508-217-7454.

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