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How Does Aging Affect Your Smile’s Appearance?

May 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — aveni @ 4:27 pm
Portrait of smiling senior woman with beautiful teeth

Getting older is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it is a privilege. However, that does not mean that you should not care about your appearance. Some natural changes in the way you look might bother you. For example, you may notice that your smile’s appearance is changing. What specific issues are common as the years pass, and how can your dentist help you regain confidence in your smile? This blog post explains.

How Aging Could Affect Your Smile

Some ways in which your smile could change over time include:

  • Discoloration. Often, tooth enamel becomes thinner with age, which makes it easier to see the yellow dentin underneath. Stains from decades of coffee and tea consumption can also contribute to discoloration.
  • Changes in teeth shape/position. Some older people find that their teeth shift, leading to a narrower arch and altered bite. Natural wear and tear on the teeth can also make them look short or misshapen.
  • Receding gums. Gum disease, overaggressive toothbrushing, and simply the passage of time can cause the gums to recede. This can make the teeth appear longer.
  • Oral health problems. Gum disease, missing teeth, and other oral health problems are more common among older adults. Such issues can affect your smile’s aesthetics.

Rely on Your Dentist for Help

For most people, it is possible to maintain a youthful and attractive smile throughout their lifetime. Here are some professional dental treatments that might help:

  • Teeth whitening. Professional whitening formulas are effective for removing even deep-set stains.
  • Veneers and crowns. These restorations can hide aesthetic imperfections, and metal-free crowns are great for restoring the function and strength of damaged and worn-down teeth.
  • Gum treatments. Gum disease treatment, gum recontouring, and other services can help you to enjoy an even, well-proportioned gumline.
  • Tooth replacement. Dental implants offer the most natural-looking and natural-feeling form of tooth replacement.

Other Ways to Protect Your Smile

Aside from partnering with your dentist to maintain your smile’s appearance, your lifestyle can also do much to keep you feeling confident and beautiful. Here are some good habits that can support your smile’s health and appearance:

  • Eat a balanced diet. This can provide vital nutrients that support oral and overall health.
  • Stay active. Regular exercise helps to reduce your risk of diabetes, a disease that can have significant consequences for the health of your teeth and gums.
  • Stick to a thorough oral hygiene routine. If you have mobility problems, an electric toothbrush and water flosser can help you to maintain a clean and healthy mouth.

A beautiful and healthy smile is not the exclusive privilege of the young! Good habits and professional dental care can help you to maintain strong, attractive teeth well into your golden years.

Meet the Practice

The talented team of dentists and support staff at Aveni Dental Professionals is proud to offer a comprehensive range of treatments, including both cosmetic and restorative services. Whether you want to enhance your smile or simply maintain its appearance, we are ready to assist you. To learn more about how we may be able to help you reach your aesthetic and oral health goals, contact our Plymouth office at 508-876-3381.

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