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Should I Put a Knocked-Out Tooth Back in Its Socket?

August 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — aveni @ 7:19 pm
Woman covering mouth, concerned about knocked-out tooth in Plymouth

Data from the American Association of Endodontists estimates that roughly 5 million people suffer from a knocked-out tooth each year. This condition, also referred to as an avulsed tooth, is a serious dental emergency that merits prompt treatment. What should you do if you ever find yourself with a knocked-out tooth in Plymouth? This blog post offers some practical guidance.


Why Does My Jaw Hurt on Only One Side?

August 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — aveni @ 7:56 pm
Illustration of human jaw against white background

If you are experiencing jaw pain on one side in Plymouth, you may understandably be alarmed. Fortunately, this problem usually does not mean that a person is suffering from a life-threatening medical condition. More often, it points to the need to seek emergency dental care. This blog post discusses some common explanations for jaw pain that occurs on only one side.
